
Department Of Radiology

Navin Hospital provides a state-of -the art diagnostic and interventional radiology services. Our Radiology department is well equipped with latest technology for accurate interpretation of the diseases or conditions.

Radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment using the various imaging techniques like X ray, CT, Ultrasound etc. Our Radiologists have an extensive experience in performing all kinds of imaging and also have handled a lot of cancer related radiology cases.

Range of Services:

  • X-Ray (uses electromagnetic radiation to examine most areas of body). We handle IVP, HSG, Barium meal follow.
  • Ultrasound: An Ultra Sound Scan is much safer option and hence is suitable during pregnancy, as it uses high frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body.
  • CT Scan (Computed Tomography, is uses computers and Xray machines to have a more detailed view of the body eg. Tissues, joints, bones, blood vessels, brain)
  • CT Triple phase
  • CT Urography
  • Color Doppler: To assess the flow of blood in blood vessels.

CT Guided Procedures:-

  • FNAC
  • Biopsy

Ultrasound Guided Procedures :-

  • FNAC
  • Biopsy
  • Drainage Collection

Many Doctors rely on radiology reports these days for accurate diagnosis and managing the treatment thereby making radiology department a major contributor to medicine and healthcare.


Our Experts In Radiology

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